
ZD Soft Screen Recorder,中文名:ZD屏幕录像机,小巧屏幕录像工具,录制模式支持捕获屏幕、转录在线视频、录制网课/会议、电脑游戏。高性能屏幕录像软件,流畅无卡顿录屏,快速屏幕标注,轻松剪切视频,支持直播推流。功能丰富的高性能屏幕录像SDK开发库,简单快速地开发定制化屏幕录像应用程序。





2023.04.07 v11.6.1

- 新增“安全录制模式”,录制的视频文件可以在系统/程序崩溃时自动恢复。

- 在捕获区域框的中心添加了一个十字准线,可以拖动以移动选框。

- 使捕获区域选框可通过键盘调整。

- 在“常用录制模式选择”窗口中将“不再询问”选项设置为默认勾选。

- 改进了在 Windows 8 及更高版本系统上的屏幕捕获性能。

- 改进了设置对话框中文件路径编辑框的易用性。

- 改进了在过载系统上的音频/视频同步性能。

- 修复了可能导致录制的视频模糊的错误。

2022.09.22 v11.5.2

- Fixed a bug that when GPU acceleration is disabled recording the right portion of screen may result a black screen video.

- Fixed a bug that the screen capture frame might not be on the right position if an auto-scaling window is selected in a high DPI system.

- Fixed a bug that on Windows 7 the screen capture frame rate is very low when the mouse cursor is not moving.

2022.08.06 v11.4.0

- Removed the dependency of manifest file.

- Improved screen recording performance.

- Improved webcam preview window.

- Added support to bind a capture window.

- Replaced the error checking function with a logging system.

- Many other improvements and bug fixes.

2022.03.07 v11.3.1

- Fixed a bug that file creation may fail if there are more than 2 consecutive spaces in the video path.

2020.04.28 v11.3.0

- Made the TTS narration script read line by line by pressing a hotkey.


  1. 免激活,便携化启动器写入注册码,直接启动即为已激活版。